In recognition of the fact that EDC and the School of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences are part of an educational institute, the EDC provides research opportunities for students and faculty to continually develop innovative rehabilitation practices. All scholarly research conducted at the EDC has been reviewed and approved by the SIU Institutional Review Board.

EDC clients are not required to participate in research if they do not want to and all resulting scholarly research and publications do not personally identify EDC clients with their personal information or any data collected during research projects.

Below is a list of research projects that have been conducted at the EDC.

*Citations are organized by year/most recent.

Published Work

Seward, R. & Redner, R. (2024). A replication of extended implementation and social interaction during the Step it UP! Game for adults with disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1 – 16.

Seward, R., & Redner, R. (2023). Step it UP! Game increases steps of adults with disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis56(1), 231-240.

García-Zambrano, S., Rehfeldt, R. A., Hertel, I. P., & Boehmert, R. (2019). Effects of deictic framing and defusion on the development of self-as-context in individuals with disabilities. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science12, 55-58.

Brazeau, K., Rehfeldt, R. A., Mazo, A., Smalley, S., Krus, S., & Henson, L. (2017). On the efficacy of mindfulness, defusion, and behavioral skills training on job interviewing skills in dually-diagnosed adults with developmental disorders. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science6(2), 145-151.

O’Neill, J., & Rehfeldt, R. A. (2017). Computerized behavioral skills training with selection-based instruction and lag reinforcement schedules for responses to interview questions. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice17(1), 42.

O’Neill, J., & Rehfeldt, R. A. (2014). Selection-based instruction and the emergence of topography-based responses to interview questions. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior30, 178-183.

Gieger, J., Sprong, M.  Kosma, W., Upton. T. D. (2012) Predicting driver’s licensure using the ruff 2 &7 selective attention test. VEWAA Journal, 39 (1), 31-35

Musgrave, J. (2011) A Model for Developing a Specialized Vocational Assessment Using O*NET Abilities Data Elements. Vocational Evaluation & Career Assessment Professionals Journal

Janikowski, T. P., Geiger, J. M., & Musgrave, J. (1997). The perceptual memory task and prediction of drivers license status of rehabilitation clients. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling28, 3-7.

Geiger, J. M., Musgrave, J. R., Welshimer, K. J., & Janikowski, T. P. (1995). The relationship between the Perceptual Memory Task Scores and driver’s licensing status among persons with cognitive disabilities. Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin28, 99-104.

McAdam, D. B., & Cuvo, A. J. (1994). Textual prompts as an antecedent cue self-management strategy for persons with mild disabilities. Behavior Modification18(1), 47-65.

Janikowski, T. P., Bordieri, J. E., & Musgrave, J. (1992). The impact of vocational evaluation on client self-estimated aptitudes and interests. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.

Wilson, P. G., Cuvo, A. J., & Davis, P. K. (1986). Training a functional skill cluster: Nutritious meal planning within a budget, grocery list writing, and shopping. Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities6(3), 179-201.

Thesis/Dissertation/Research Paper

Seward, R. (2024). Component analysis and training of the Step it UP! Game to staff working with adults with disabilities in a residential and vocational facility. [Doctoral dissertation, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Seward, R. & Redner, R. N. (2021). Increasing physical activity in young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. [Research project, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Williams, T. (2020). An examination of the effect of teaching deictic frames on the skill of perspective taking in individuals with developmental disabilities. [Master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Williams, T., Koch, S., Catrone, R., & Garcia Zambrano, S. (2020). Using greater than and less than frames of comparison to teach kitchen measurement conversions to young adults with developmental disabilities. [Research project, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Winters, M. R. C. (2020). Equivalence based instruction and errorless learning: a brief intervention to teach deictic framing. [Master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Lenoir, C. & Rehfeldt, R. A. (2019). Behavioral skills training with values and committed actions for teaching women with intellectual disabilities assertiveness skills. [Research project, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

García-Zambrano, S. (2018). Effects of defusion and deictic frames interactions on the development of self-as-context in individuals with disabilities. [Master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Moss, G. (2018). Evaluating the effects of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy treatment package on the consumption of healthy foods. [Master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Rehfeldt, R. A., Root W., Baires, N., Hinman, J., & Garcia Zambrano, S. (2017). Evaluating the effects of acceptance and commitment therapy and behavioral skills training to promote psychological flexibility and teach social skills to teens and adults with high functioning autism. [Research project, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Root, W. & Hinman, J.  (2017). The role of name in equivalence relations: visual-visual compared to auditory-visual. [Research project, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Brazeau, K. (2015). The implementation of acceptance and commitment therapy to reduce anxiety with individuals with intellectual disabilities. [Master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Blowers, A. P. (2014). Stimulus equivalence and the emergence of topography based driving behaviors on a vehicle simulator task. [Master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Kornacki, L. T. (2013). A component analysis of a behavioral skills training intervention: teaching conversation skills to adults with developmental disabilities. [Master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Nuernberger, J. E. (2013). An evaluation of the validity of vocal preference assessments used with adults with developmental disabilities. [Doctoral dissertation, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Rossiaky, E. M. (2013). A comparison of preference assessments and rank order. [Master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Fuscaldo, N. M. (2012). Development of a token economy at the evaluation and developmental center transitional living program. [Master’s research project, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Sprong, M.E. (2012). Increasing ADA knowledge among persons with disabilities. [Research project, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Joutras, D. L. (2011). The Job Search Knowledge Scale: assessing consumers of a CARF exemplary-rated comprehensive vocational evaluation program. [Master’s research project, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Sprong, M. E., Pappas, M., Deppen, K., Hollender, H., Watt, C., Klein, J.  Koch, S. (2011). Emergency preparedness initiative for persons with disabilities: becoming aware of the issues. [Research project, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Sprong, M. E., Pappas, M., Deppen, K., Koch S. (2010). Increasing knowledge of emergency preparedness: evaluating the procedures of emergency preparedness among persons with disabilities in a vocation rehabilitation program. [Research project, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].

Jones, J. L. (2002). Past employment history and coping responses of individuals with orthopedic disabilities seeking vocational rehabilitation services. [Doctoral dissertation, Southern Illinois University Carbondale].