The Employability Development Program (EDP) works with individuals throughout Southern Illinois who wish to join or re-enter the work force after incarceration. In the EDP, our goal is to help individuals enter long lasting careers that align with their personal goals and values. The EDP has developed working relationships with probation and parole officers in various counties as well as local correctional centers throughout Southern Illinois, all of which provide referrals to our program. Paperwork and meetings are held out in the community to assist individuals to participate in the program.
Once a person has either been referred to the program or has reached out to initiate services, intake paperwork is completed, and community employment specialists assess the needs, goals, and employment history of individuals. The EDP staff are knowledgeable about local resources and providing referrals to other resources that they may need, such as SNAP, TANF and medical assistance. EDP staff provide assistance to seek and apply for employment opportunities and will assist individuals to obtain the necessary documentation to apply for a job (e.g., educational transcripts, a state identification card, driver’s license, social security card, and/or birth certificate).
If you are interested in this program or have any questions, please contact us at (618) 453-6302 or by emailing