During FY23, the EDC served 66% of individuals between the ages of 18-21 years, 18% of individuals between the ages of 22-30 years, 6% of individuals between the ages of 46-55years, 4% of individuals between the ages of 36-45 years, 4% of individuals between the ages of 14-17 years, and 2% of individuals between the ages of 31-35 years.The EDC served 83.1% of individuals that identified as Caucasian, 11.3% of individuals that identified as African American, 4.2% of individuals that identified as Hispanic, and 1.4% of individuals that identified as ‘other’ during FY23.During FY23, the EDC served 62.7% of individuals that identified as Male and 37.3% of individuals that identified as Female. No individuals served indicated that they identified as transgender, cisgender, or gender-non-conforming during FY23.During FY23, the EDC served 84.2% of individuals that completed their programming at EDC successfully, 5% of individuals were hospitalized following discharge, 2% of individuals received medical/psych intervention following discharge. Approximately 7.9% of individuals prematurely dropped out of EDC programming during the FY23.Primary diagnoses of individuals served are shown in the chart. During FY23, the EDC served 32.4% of individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, 22.5% of individuals diagnosed with a Learning Disability, 9.9% of individuals diagnosed with a Developmental Disability other than ASD and ADHD, 9.1% of individuals diagnosed with a Psychiatric/Mental Illness, 8.5% of individuals diagnosed with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, 7% of individuals diagnosed with an Orthopedic condition, 3.5% of individuals diagnosed with a Hearing Impairment, 2.1% of individuals diagnosed with a Visual Impairment, 1.4% of individuals diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury, and 1% of individuals diagnosed with Epilepsy.